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Terms Of Use

MANETTI e- shop is the electronic shop that displays and disposes of the products of the Greek societé anonyme MANETTI SA, having its registered seat at Pentelis Avenue 10, Vrilissia Attica, Greece, via Internet. Before visiting our e-shop and navigating our website, we ask you to review the following terms and conditions, which apply specifically to the use of the e-shop of MANETTI SA located at www.manetti.gr or www.manettionline.com. Please ensure that you agree with the following terms and conditions since any further use and navigation of the website www.manetti.gr or www.manettionline.com entails your express and unconditional acceptance and consent.


MANETTI SA reserves the right to unilaterally modify or renew the present terms and conditions applicable to the transactions effected via its e-shop, according to its needs and business usages. MANETTI SA undertakes the obligation to inform the users of any modifications and changes, through the website of this e-shop.


MANETTI SA is bound for the quality, completeness and validity of the information cited in its website www.manetti.gr or www.manettionline.com, regarding both the accurate data displayed and services provided by the e-shop, without prejudice to any technical or typographical errors, that could not have been foreseen or have arisen unintentionally, as well as to any discontinuations of the websites operation due to force majeure.


MANETTI SA is not liable towards customers / users for damages that may occur from the execution or not of their order (with the exception of cases mentioned in paragraph 10. Withdrawal /Return - Exchange of Products). It also reserves regarding the delivery time of the goods in case of force majeure. The e-shop www.manetti.gr or www.manettionline.com cannot warrant the availability of the products, but undertakes to inform the final consumers in due time regarding the unavailability. The e-shop www.manetti.gr or www.manettionline.com provides the content (e.g. information, names, photos, pictures), the products and the services available through the website " as is" . The e-shop of MANETTI SA is not liable for any legal or civil and/or penal claims nor for any damages (direct losses, special damages or consequential losses, which indicatively and not restrictively, alternatively and/or cumulatively consist of loss of profits, data, pecuniary compensation etc) suffered by visitors of the website or by third parties due to the operation or not or/and the use of the website or/and the failure to render services or/ and information provided by the website or/ and any inadmissible interventions of third parties in products or/and services or/and information available through the website in any case.


This website is the official e-shop of MANETTI SA. The entire content of the website, including images, graphics, photos, designs, texts, rendered services and products are intellectual property of MANETTI SA and are protected by virtue of the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and International Conventions. Any copying, analogue/digital recording and mechanical reproduction, distribution, transmission, downloading, remaking, retailing, creation of derivative work or misleading of the public regarding the true provider of the website's Content, is prohibited. Any reproduction, republication, loading, announcement, dissemination or transmission or any other use of the Content in any way or means for commercial or other purposes, is allowed only subject to prior written permission on behalf of MANETTI SA or any other lawful owner of the abovementioned intellectual property rights. Names, images, logos and distinctive marks which represent MANETTI SA or/and its e-shop www.manetti.gr or www.manettionline.com or/ and third parties with whom they have entered into agreements, as well as their products or services, are exclusive trade marks and distinctive marks of MANETTI SA or/ and www.manetti.gr or www.manettionline.com or/ and the abovementioned third parties and are protected by Greek, Community and International laws on trademarks and industrial and intellectual property. In any case their display at the website www.manetti.gr or www.manettionline.com, as well as at the e-shop of MANETTI SA shall not be considered as transfer or assignment or license to use in any way.


Users of the website www.manetti.gr or www.manettionline.com accept and acknowledge that they will not use the e-shop of MANETTI SA for sending, publishing, sending via e-mail or transmitting in other ways any Content which is illegal, harmful, menacing, offensive, annoying, libelous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, infringes upon confidential information of third parties, is malicious or reflects racial, national or other discriminations, can be harmful to minors in any way, cannot be transmitted according to law or contractual or administrative relations (e.g. inside information, proprietary and confidential information known or revealed within the framework of labor relations or covered by confidentiality agreements), infringes upon any patent, trademark, trade secret, intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights of third parties, contains software viruses or any other codes, files or programs designed in order to cause discontinuation, damages, destruction of either the hardware or the operation of any software or computer material, intentionally or not is in breach of the Greek and Community legislation and their provisions, as in force, can cause annoyance to third parties in any way, as well as any Content used for the collection or storage of personal data concerning other users.


MANETTI SA acknowledges how important the security of Your Personal Data and your electronic transactions is and takes all necessary measures, according to the most updated and advanced methods, in order to ensure the maximum security for you. All information in relation to your personal data and your transactions is safe and confidential. The security of the e-shop of MANETTI SA is managed with the following methods:

- Customer Identification. The codes used for your identification are two: Username and Password, which provide you with secure access to your personal account each time entered. You can change your Password as often as you wish. Only you can access your account through the above codes and you are exclusively responsible for keeping it secret from third parties. In case of loss or disclosure, you should immediately notify us or else the e-shop of MANETTI SA is not responsible for use of your secret code by an unauthorized person. For security reasons, we recommend that you change your password frequently and avoid using the same and easily tracked codes (e.g. the date of birth).

· securing the Secrecy of the Transmission of your Personal Data

· In order to secure the data transmission secrecy, we use the cryptographic protocol SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) - 128bit.

· Automatic Disconnection. If no activity takes place for 120 minutes, you are automatically disconnected from the e-shop of MANETTI SA.

· Controlled Access (firewall). Access to the systems (servers) of MANETTI SA is controlled by firewall, which allows use of specific services on behalf of customers/users, prohibiting at the same time access to systems and databases with confidential data and information of the company.

· Cryptography. Personal data (password, addresses, telephone numbers, credit cards, etc.) which you input in any part of the website are encrypted. MANETTI SA uses the cryptographic protocol SSL, with cryptography 128bit (currently, the most powerful), for safe on-line commercial transactions. Therefore, all your personal information, including your credit card number, name and address, are encrypted, so that they cannot be read or modified during transmission via Internet. Protocol SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is nowadays a global standard in the Internet for the authentication of websites, when used from the web users, for the cryptography of data among the web users and the web servers. A SSL encrypted communication requires all information exchanged between a customer and a server to be encrypted from the software sending the information and be decrypted from the software receiving the information, protecting thus personal information during their transmission. Furthermore, all information sent via SSL protocol is protected by a mechanism, which automatically verifies whether data have being modified during transmission.

- Transactions secrecy. Secrecy is considered self-evident. The same basic principles governing classic transactions apply also in the case of e-commerce. All information transmitted from the user/member to MANETTI SA is confidential and MANETTI SA has taken all necessary measures so that it is used only to the extent that it is deemed necessary within the framework of the services provided. Indicatively, the following measures have been taken:

· only authorized employees have access to your transaction information and only when necessary, e.g. to deal with your requests.

· MANETTI SA does not reveal customers' data and their transactions, unless authorized by you in writing or imposed by virtue of a court' s judgment or a decision of a public authority.

· in case MANETTI SA uses the services of third parties for the support of its systems, it sees to ensure secrecy.

· You can ask for any data of yours stored, as well as for their correction in case you have evidence that a mistake has occurred.

· For your security, you should also treat all information provided via the service as confidential and secret and you should not disclose it to third parties.

· You shall receive catalogues and printed matter only if you wish and state this while registering as member.

In any case the e-shop of MANETTI SA does not reveal or publish your personal data and the information that you entrust us in any way. Personal data made available to us with your registration as member are used solely for the execution of your transactions. All information is encrypted and kept in absolute security.


When visiting www.manetti.gr or www.manettionline.com and in order to order products, but also to ensure the possibility of communication with you, so that we can keep you informed of our new products, it is possible to ask for your data (such as name, profession, e-mail, date of birth etc.). Any personal data, that you input in the web pages and services of www.manetti.gr or www.manettionline.com, are exclusively used in order to ensure the operation of the corresponding service and cannot be used by any third party, without complying with the provisions of L. 2472/1997 on the protection with regard to the processing of personal data, as in force. The e-shop of MANETTI SA operates according to Greek and European laws, as in force, and keeps your personal data secured for as long as you are registered in any of the services of www.manetti.gr or www.manettionline.com. Personal data are deleted following your request. Personal data which you input in the e-shop www.manetti.gr or www.manettionline.com are used exclusively by MANETTI SA for the purpose of supporting, promoting and executing the transaction. Data stored in our files can be notified to the competent judicial, police or other administrative authorities following lawful request and according to the legal provisions each time in force. The Customer, within the framework of the legislation on privacy in telecommunications, has the right to be informed and to object according to articles 11-13 of L. 2472/1997.


In the e-shop of MANETTI SA you can find exactly the same products as in any " normal" MAN & MANETTI store. To facilitate your search, we have listed our products in basic categories. You can search for products according to " price" or " size" and you will be directed to your specific choice. MANETTI SA makes every possible effort to provide services of high quality; however, it cannot ensure that there will not be any discontinuations in the operation of the website or " human" errors during updating/pricing of a product. For the safety and effectiveness of your purchases, in case any product is offered at a price unusually low or high, compared to its market price, before you order it, please contact our competent department, tel.: 0030 210 8102627 or send us an e-mail at info@manettionline.com.

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